“How do you always know where to find me?'' His voice achingly gentle, he says, "The same way a compass knows how to find true north.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
“It’s not inexplicable. I like you the way Newton liked gravity.” “I don’t know what you mean.” “Once he found it, everything else in the universe made sense.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
“Life is short. You don't get a do-over. Kiss who you need to kiss, love who you need to love, tell anyone who disrespects you to go f*ck themselves. Let your heart lead you where it wants to. Don't ever make a decision based on fear. In fact, if it scares you, that's the thing you should run fastest toward, because that's where real life is. In the scary parts. In the messy parts. In the parts that aren't so pretty. Dive in and take a swim in all the pain and beauty that life has to offer, so that at the end of it, you don't have any regrets.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
“How do you always know where to find me?'' His voice achingly gentle, he says, "The same way a compass knows how to find true north.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
“It’s not inexplicable. I like you the way Newton liked gravity.” “I don’t know what you mean.” “Once he found it, everything else in the universe made sense.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
“Life is short. You don't get a do-over. Kiss who you need to kiss, love who you need to love, tell anyone who disrespects you to go f*ck themselves. Let your heart lead you where it wants to. Don't ever make a decision based on fear. In fact, if it scares you, that's the thing you should run fastest toward, because that's where real life is. In the scary parts. In the messy parts. In the parts that aren't so pretty. Dive in and take a swim in all the pain and beauty that life has to offer, so that at the end of it, you don't have any regrets.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
“How do you always know where to find me?'' His voice achingly gentle, he says, "The same way a compass knows how to find true north.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
“It’s not inexplicable. I like you the way Newton liked gravity.” “I don’t know what you mean.” “Once he found it, everything else in the universe made sense.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
“Life is short. You don't get a do-over. Kiss who you need to kiss, love who you need to love, tell anyone who disrespects you to go f*ck themselves. Let your heart lead you where it wants to. Don't ever make a decision based on fear. In fact, if it scares you, that's the thing you should run fastest toward, because that's where real life is. In the scary parts. In the messy parts. In the parts that aren't so pretty. Dive in and take a swim in all the pain and beauty that life has to offer, so that at the end of it, you don't have any regrets.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
"Czemuż służy literatura, jeśli nie temu, aby kazać nam żyć pełną piersią, zmusić nas do picia z kielicha codzienności większymi haustami?" Henry Miller
"Czemuż służy literatura, jeśli nie temu, aby kazać nam żyć pełną piersią, zmusić nas do picia z kielicha codzienności większymi haustami?" Henry Miller
no właśnie Nikon... pamiętałam, że coś takiego właśnie mnie się podobało.. i muza..
"Czemuż służy literatura, jeśli nie temu, aby kazać nam żyć pełną piersią, zmusić nas do picia z kielicha codzienności większymi haustami?" Henry Miller
"Czemuż służy literatura, jeśli nie temu, aby kazać nam żyć pełną piersią, zmusić nas do picia z kielicha codzienności większymi haustami?" Henry Miller
Ale polecam też piosenkę innego zespołu, z gościnnym wokalem wokalistki The Knife:
"I read a story to-night. It ended unhappily. I was wretched until I had invented a happy ending for it. I shall always end my stories happily. I don't care whether it's 'true to life' or not. It's true to life as it should be and that's a better truth than the other."
a to ja w błogiej nieświadomości żyłam dotąd. A Royksopp znam.
"Czemuż służy literatura, jeśli nie temu, aby kazać nam żyć pełną piersią, zmusić nas do picia z kielicha codzienności większymi haustami?" Henry Miller
Fajne Wiesz Syn ja to odnoszę wrażenie, że takich osób to jest mnóstwo 'Gwiazdy' jednego utworu, a szkoda. Z tego co się naoglądałam w naszych i zagranicznych edycjach tych różnych programów to takich perełek by się znalazło i znalazło tylko brak 'rozwinięcia'. Zostają z jednym 'coverem' i słuch o nich ginie.
Adele znam tą nutę, mam całą płytę. Pamiętam 'zabawną' sytuację związaną z moim znajomym i Adele. Tomek przyszedł do mnie i akurat w radiu u mnie leciała Adele "Rolling in the deep" jak to często bywa w gronie moich znajomych, przyjaciół zapytał się czy mam coś tej pani poza tym kawałkiem, a ja, że tak. Lekko się zdziwił, myślał wtedy, że to jakaś nowo odkryta wokalistka, bo na szerszą skalę i prawda, ale zaistnieć zaistniała jednak wcześniej Miałam wtedy jej pierwszą płytę "19", a prawie nikt nie pamięta tej, gdzie kilka utworów jest też ciekawych jak np.:
Edit: Nie wiem czy już był zamieszczany nowy utwór Keatinga więc:
Sądzę, że jeszcze ten kawałek Guy Sebastiana i Lupe Fiasco jest warty zauważenia:
“How do you always know where to find me?'' His voice achingly gentle, he says, "The same way a compass knows how to find true north.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
“It’s not inexplicable. I like you the way Newton liked gravity.” “I don’t know what you mean.” “Once he found it, everything else in the universe made sense.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
“Life is short. You don't get a do-over. Kiss who you need to kiss, love who you need to love, tell anyone who disrespects you to go f*ck themselves. Let your heart lead you where it wants to. Don't ever make a decision based on fear. In fact, if it scares you, that's the thing you should run fastest toward, because that's where real life is. In the scary parts. In the messy parts. In the parts that aren't so pretty. Dive in and take a swim in all the pain and beauty that life has to offer, so that at the end of it, you don't have any regrets.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
Szkoda, że się rozpadli. Dobrze, że pozostał Abradab
“How do you always know where to find me?'' His voice achingly gentle, he says, "The same way a compass knows how to find true north.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
“It’s not inexplicable. I like you the way Newton liked gravity.” “I don’t know what you mean.” “Once he found it, everything else in the universe made sense.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
“Life is short. You don't get a do-over. Kiss who you need to kiss, love who you need to love, tell anyone who disrespects you to go f*ck themselves. Let your heart lead you where it wants to. Don't ever make a decision based on fear. In fact, if it scares you, that's the thing you should run fastest toward, because that's where real life is. In the scary parts. In the messy parts. In the parts that aren't so pretty. Dive in and take a swim in all the pain and beauty that life has to offer, so that at the end of it, you don't have any regrets.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise