przez Duzzz » 26 października 2012, o 21:27
"I love books, by the way, way more than movies. Movies tell you what to think. A good book lets you choose a few thoughts for yourself. Movies show you the pink house. A good book tells you there's a pink house and lets you paint some of the finishing touches, maybe choose the roof style,park your own car out front. My imagination has always topped anything a movie could come up with."
*** "Darkfever" Karen Marie Moning***
Ta sama książka w wersji PL:
Tak na marginesie, kocham książki, i to bardziej niż filmy. Filmy mówią Wam, co macie myśleć. Dobra książka pozwala samodzielnie przemyśleć kilka rzeczy. Dobra książka mówi o tym, że jest sobie różowy domek i pozwala Wam domalować część szczegółów, może wybrać styl dachu i zaparkować przed wejściem własny samochód. Moja wyobraźnia zawsze wygrywała ze wszystkim, co mógł mi zaoferować film.
*** "Mroczne szaleństwo" Karen Marie Moning***
“How do you always know where to find me?''
His voice achingly gentle, he says, "The same way a compass knows how to find true north.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
“It’s not inexplicable. I like you the way Newton liked gravity.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Once he found it, everything else in the universe made sense.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise
“Life is short. You don't get a do-over. Kiss who you need to kiss, love who you need to love, tell anyone who disrespects you to go f*ck themselves. Let your heart lead you where it wants to. Don't ever make a decision based on fear. In fact, if it scares you, that's the thing you should run fastest toward, because that's where real life is. In the scary parts. In the messy parts. In the parts that aren't so pretty. Dive in and take a swim in all the pain and beauty that life has to offer, so that at the end of it, you don't have any regrets.” ― J.T. Geissinger, Cruel Paradise