You can hear it. The sound of happiness. It's getting bigger and bigger and bigger! If you wish... If we think we can, anything is possible. I can hear a lot of sounds. Again and... again... A wind like a breath... I want to be the wind... At times, I want to be the wind that fights against you... the wind that dries your tears... or the wind that eases your tiredness. I want to be a wind like that. And I want to fly. I want to sweep up the sadness and spread happiness. When you're sad, just cry. I'll be there. When you're happy, just call. I'll be there. But because we're girls, there are times that you get tired. There are times that you hold back your tears. So in times like that, dear, I'm going to come flying down to you... So hold me in your arms gently.
Gotowałam się w środku i musiałam sięgnąć po wszystkie rezerwy opanowania,by utrzymać nerwy na wodzy.Uda mi się.Po prostu muszę być obojętna.Zen.Żadnego walenia po twarzy.Walenie po twarzy nie jest zen.