O Autorce
Meagan McKinney, właśc. Ruth Goodman, to amerykańska pisarka romansów. Urodziła się w 1961, a studiowała biologię na Uniwersytecie. Przez kilka lat pracowała jako biolog, zanim zaczęła pisać profesjonalnie.
Jest rozwiedziona i mieszka wraz z dwójką dzieci Johnnie Roberson i Tommy Roberson w Nowym Orleanie.
Ruth Leslie Goodman was born in 1961. She studied Biology at University, and she worked for several years as a biologist, before starting to write professionally. She is divorced and resides with her two children in New Orleans, Louisiana.
In November 2010, Goodman plead guilty to defrauding FEMA in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. She was sentenced to 3 years in prison.
Wydane u nas:
- Gwiazda Aranu
Księżycowa dama
Lodowa panna
Łowcy fortun
Mały sekret
Niegodziwa czarodziejka
Zamek na wrzosowisku
Cykl "Opowieści z Montany"
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- W ogniu uczuć
- Wakacje w raju
- Romans w górach
W oryginale:
Van Alen Sisters
- Lions and Lace (1988)
- Fair Is the Rose (1993)
Matched in Montana
- The Cowboy Meets His Match (2000)
- The Lawman Meets His Bride (2000)
- The M.D. Courts His Nurse (2001)
- Plain Jane and the Hotshot (2003)
- The Cowboy Claims His Lady (2003)
- Billionaire Boss (2003)
- No Choice But Surrender (1987)
My Wicked Enchantress (1988)
When Angels Fall (1990)
Till Dawn Tames the Night (1991)
The Ground She Walks upon (1994)
Gentle from the Night (1995)
A Man to Slay Dragons (1996)
The Fortune Hunter (1998)
In the Dark (1998)
One Small Secret (1999)
The Merry Widow (1999)
Still of the Night (2001)
Moonlight Becomes Her (2001)
- A Dance with the Devil (1997)
Doctors in Demand (2002)
Wanted by the Boss (2009)
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