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PostNapisane: 19 kwietnia 2013, o 20:44
przez ewa.p
albo musiała napisać w przyspieszonym tempie,napisała właściwie konspekt,dopisała trochę dialogów,dodała migdalenia się i oddała do wydawcy.Szkoda,ta książka mogła być prawdziwym hitem

PostNapisane: 19 kwietnia 2013, o 20:47
przez •Sol•
mogło tak być, na kolanie pisała i zmarnowała sobie bestseller.
Boli mnie najbardziej to że książek o Luizjanie w wykonaniu Norki są dwie z czego jedna spiiikieprzczona, a ja lubię jej klimaty.

PostNapisane: 23 kwietnia 2013, o 22:37
przez Duzzz
A ja znowu lubię Księżyc nad Karoliną :evillaugh: Nawet bardzo, wracałam do niej często, nawet przez pół roku głowiłam się co też to było, bo tytułu nie pamiętałam, jedynie skojarzenie, że jakaś czarna okładka :hyhy: Filmu nie znoszę, ale książkę lubię... Zawsze duże wrażenie robi na mnie wiek sprawcy :hyhy:

PostNapisane: 24 kwietnia 2013, o 11:02
przez joakar4
wiedzmaSol napisał(a):Lil, a czy przypadkiem tej serii nie wydawał Amber jeszcze? Bo na nich to bym nie liczyła.

ta Plaża to u nas wyjdzie czy tylko oryginalnie można czytać?,6.html

PostNapisane: 24 kwietnia 2013, o 11:24
przez tartugirl
OMG, dzięki za info, joakar, na stronach G+J na pewno bym nie szukała nowej Nory. Bardzo szybko, Świat Książki notował niemal roczne opóźnienia w pojedynczych tytułach. Ciekawe, co w takim razie ze Świadkiem?

PostNapisane: 24 kwietnia 2013, o 12:23
przez Lilia ❀
Matko, Whiskey Beach wychodzi u nas tuż po premierze amerykańskiej???? :shock: :shock:
A ja ją właśnie czytam w oryginale :P
I tak kupię.

PostNapisane: 24 kwietnia 2013, o 15:19
przez •Sol•
ekstra, napaliłam się na tę książkę :P

PostNapisane: 26 kwietnia 2013, o 13:16
przez Księżycowa Kawa
duzzza22 napisał(a):A ja znowu lubię Księżyc nad Karoliną :evillaugh: Nawet bardzo, wracałam do niej często, nawet przez pół roku głowiłam się co też to było, bo tytułu nie pamiętałam, jedynie skojarzenie, że jakaś czarna okładka :hyhy: Filmu nie znoszę, ale książkę lubię... Zawsze duże wrażenie robi na mnie wiek sprawcy :hyhy:

Też dobrze ją wspominam, ale może powinnam jeszcze raz przyjrzeć się jej z bliska... hmmm Mniej więcej pamiętam, o czym była.

Na nową też się cieszę. Tylko kiedy ja to przeczytam?

PostNapisane: 30 kwietnia 2013, o 13:08
przez Lilia ❀
Whiskey Beach - dobrze, że ta książka wychodzi u nas w czerwcu, bo to lektura odpowiednia na letnie posiedzenie w ogrodzie/plaży/balkonie, wygrzewanie się i odprężenie z kawałem porządnej lektury. A ta książka taka jest. Czytając ją miałam wrażenie zwolnienia czasu, pogrążenia się w lekturze.
Eli, cóż to za imię dla mężczyzny? Po dziadku. Przez starszych nazywany młodszym Eli. Mężczyzna robiący karierę adwokata, żonaty z piękną kobietą, pochodzący z bogatej, kochającej się rodziny. Wszystko pięknie jak na obrazku, ale takie nie jest, gdy rozsypuje mu się małżeństwo. Żona żąda rozwodu, chce go oskubać. On czuje się winny, że nie mógł jej uszczęśliwić. Coś mu nie gra i wynajmuje detektywa, który odkrywa, że żona go zdradza, prawie od roku. Idzie do jej miejsca pracy i robi jej awanturę, grozi, że niczego od niego nie wyciągnie. Po pracy wraca do ich wspólnego domu, z którego się wyprowadził po trzy rzeczy, które należały do jego rodziny od pokoleń. Nie chce, by żona je sprzedała. Chodzi mu głównie o pierścionek babci. Wchodząc do biblioteki znajduje martwe ciało swojej żony. Dzwoni na policję.
I tak się zaczyna. Zostaje głównym podejrzanym, traci pracę i reputację, główny śledczy traktuje go jak wroga publicznego, szkaluje, śledzi. Uwziął się i jest wściekły, bo nie może znaleźć dowodów.
Rok później zdarza się wypadek, babcia spada ze schodów w swoim domu na skarpie na wyspie Whiskey Beach, która od pokoleń należy do rodziny. Babcią zajmują się rodzice Eliego, on sam zamieszkuje na wyspie, by zajmować się domem i wrócić do równowagi psychicznej. Przyjeżdża wychudzony, prawdziwy wrak człowieka. I spotyka Abrę. Kobieta-orkiestra, która zajmuje się sprzątaniem i gotowaniem w domu. I nie tylko. Dziewczyna po ciężkich przejściach, odcięła się od poprzedniego życia i zbudowała nowe na wyspie, całkiem odmienne od poprzedniego. Pomaga wyjść z depresji Eliemu, daje siłę, by walczył o swoje dobre imię i znalazł zabójcę żony.

W książce mamy wszystko to, co lubimy u Nory. Przystojnego mężczyznę (tego chce się przytulać i nie puszczać), do tego autora książek (właśnie pisze pierwszą powieść), piękną, niezależną kobietę, fajną rodzinkę z super babcią, oddanych przyjaciół, sielskie spotkania w pubie, zagadkę kryminalną, a nawet dwie (jedna z przeszłości) oraz psa imieniem Barbie.
Bardzo fajna lektura nie na raz, nie dwa. Można wracać, gdy ma się ochotę na coś spokojnego, ale trzymającego w napięciu.

PostNapisane: 30 kwietnia 2013, o 13:12
przez •Sol•
Lil, jeśli nie miałabym ochoty na tę książkę wcześniej, to Twoja recenzja by mnie do niej niesamowicie zachęciła. Muszę przeczytać i muszę mieć. Koniecznie i nieodwołalnie.

PostNapisane: 30 kwietnia 2013, o 19:55
przez Księżycowa Kawa
wiedzmaSol napisał(a):Lil, jeśli nie miałabym ochoty na tę książkę wcześniej, to Twoja recenzja by mnie do niej niesamowicie zachęciła. Muszę przeczytać i muszę mieć. Koniecznie i nieodwołalnie.

Pomyślałam to samo - rzucę wszystko inne i łapię się za to.

PostNapisane: 30 kwietnia 2013, o 20:00
przez Kasiag
Ja też się już nie mogę doczekać :D

PostNapisane: 1 maja 2013, o 21:11
przez Lilia ❀
Nora Roberts' romantic suspense novels

  • Promise Me Tomorrow, Pocket, 1984 – Beautiful young architect Sarah Lancaster meets womanizer Byron Lloyd, a member of the architectural firm that has just hired her.
  • Hot Ice, Bantam, 1987 – Wealthy Whitney MacAllister joins with professional thief Douglas Lord in a hunt for a hidden fortune.
  • Sacred Sins, Bantam, 1987 – Psychiatrist Tess Court and Washington D.C. police detective Ben Paris search for a serial killer known as “The Priest.”
  • Brazen Virtue, Bantam, 1988 – Mystery writer Grace McCabe helps Ben Paris’ partner, Ed Jackson, trap her sister's killer.
  • Sweet Revenge, Bantam, 1989 – Princess Adrianne needs Philip Chamberlain’s assistance as she seeks revenge against her father.
  • Public Secrets, Bantam, 1990 – Pop music star's Brian McAvoy’s daughter Emma needs to know who was behind the kidnapping and murder of her infant brother.
  • Genuine Lies, Bantam, 1991 – Aging movie star Eve Benedict hires Julia Summers to write her biography, but Eve’s stepson, Paul Winthrop, has reservations.
  • Carnal Innocence, Bantam, 1991 – Famous concert violinist Caroline Waverly turns to Tucker Longstreet when murders disrupt the small town of Innocence, Mississippi.
  • Divine Evil, Bantam, 1992 – Sculptor Clare Kimball and Sheriff Cameron Rafferty discover what was behind the suicide of Clare’s father.
  • Honest Illusions, Putnam, 1992 – Roxy Nouvelle, daughter of a famous magician, and escape artist Luke Callahan specialize in jewel thefts.
  • Private Scandals, Putnam, 1993 – Network journalist Finn Riley and talk show host Deanna Reynolds confront a violent rival.
  • Hidden Riches, Putnam, 1994 – Philadelphia antiques dealer Dora Conroy and former police captain Jed Skimmerhorn find a connection between stolen antiques and a series of murders.
  • True Betrayals, Putnam, 1995 – Kelsey Byden, reunited with the mother who had been imprisoned the murder of her lover, joins with gambler Gabe Slater find the truth behind that death.
  • Montana Sky, Putnam, 1996 – Jack Mercy’s three daughters, half-sisters Tess, Lily and Willa, must spend a year together at Jack’s Montana ranch to meet the terms of his will.
  • Sanctuary, Putnam, 1997 – Photographer Jo Ellen Hathaway returns to her family’s Georgia home, Sanctuary, after receiving anonymous photographs of her mother, who had disappeared years earlier
  • Homeport, Putnam, 1998 – Dr. Miranda Jones and art thief Ryan Boldari investigate fraudulent art.
  • The Reef, Putnam, 1998 – Marine archaeologist Tate Beaumont and salvager Matthew Lassiter search for a jeweled amulet called Angelique's Curse.
  • River’s End, Putnam, 1999 – Olivia MacBride as a child witnessed the death of her mother, a Hollywood star. Years later Noah Brady helps her find the murderer.
  • Carolina Moon, Putnam, 2000 – Tory Bodeen returns to her South Carolina hometown where she and Cade LaVelle attempt to solve the mystery surrounding the death of her childhood friend, Cade’s sister, Hope LaVelle.
  • Midnight Bayou, Putnam, 2001 – After Declan Fitzgerald buys the dilapidated Louisiana mansion, Manet Hall, he needs Angelina Simone’s help in clearing out the ghosts.
  • The Villa, Putnam, 2001 – Sophia Giambelli and Tyler MacMillan fight sabotage attempts after their two family wineries merge.
  • Three Fates, Putnam, 2002 – Malachi, Gideon and Rebecca Sullivan try to reunite the Three Fates, small silver statues of mythological significance.
  • Birthright, Putnam, 2003 – Archaeologist Callie Dunbrook and her ex-husband confront the secrets of her own heritage while on a dig in the small town of Woodsboro.
  • Remember When, Putnam, 2003 – Nora Roberts and J.D.Robb join forces in this tale of Laine Tavish, insurance investigator Max Gannon and a fortune in stolen diamonds. When, over 50 years later, Laine's granddaughter writes a book about the diamonds, Eve Dallas gets involved. In 2010 the two parts of Remember When was reissued by Putnam as two separate publications – Hot Rocks and Big Jack.
  • Northern Lights, Putnam 2004 – Former Baltimore cop Nate Burke searches for the murderer of Meg Galloway’ s father after he takes on the job of police chief in Lunacy, Alaska.
  • Blue Smoke, Putnam, 2005 – Baltimore arson investigator Reena Hale meets Carpenter Bo Goodnight and encounters violence from a mysterious stalker.
  • Angels Fall, Putnam, 2006 – Former chef Reece Gilmore has only local author, Jamison Brody's support when she says she has seen a murder in Angel's Fist, Wyoming.
  • High Noon, Putnam, 2007 – Police Lieutenant Phoebe MacNamara, Savannah's top hostage negotiator, finds her romance with Duncan Swift affected by a series of threats against her life.
  • Tribute, Putnam Adult, 2008 – Former child star Cilla McGowan and her neighbor, graphic novelist Ford Sawyer, investigate the death of Cilla’s grandmother, movie star Janet Hardy.
  • Black Hills, Putnam Adult, 2009 – Ex-cop Cooper Sullivan and wildlife biologist Lil Chance, childhood sweethearts, reunite when Lil’s Black Hills wildlife refuge is threatened.
  • The Search, Putnam, 2010 – Search and rescue dog trainer Fiona Bristow joins with Simon Doyle to track a copycat killer on Washington's Orcas Island.
  • Chasing Fire, Putnam, April 2011 – Smokejumper Rowan Tripp's romance with Gull Curry is interrupted by a killer who blames her for the death of her former jump partner.
  • The Witness, Putnam, 2012 – Abigail Lowery seeks help from Bickford, Ark. police chief Brooks Gleason in confronting a Russian mafia family guilty of a murder she witnessed as a teen.
  • Whiskey Beach, Putnam, 2013 – After being suspected of his wife's murder, Boston lawyer retreats to his grandmother's home on Whiskey Beach, where he meets her attractive young housekeeper, Abra Walsh.

Nora Roberts trilogies

  • The Concannon Sisters Trilogy: This trilogy tells the story of the three daughters of Thomas Concannon, Irish-born Maggie and Brianna Concannon and their unknown American half-sister, Shannon Bodine. Born in Fire (1994) is the story of of Maggie, a glass maker. Born in Ice (1995) tells of Brianna, who owns and operates a bed- and-breakfast. In Born in Shame (1996) Shannon Bodine comes to Ireland to find out about the father she never knew.
  • The Dream Trilogy (also called The Templeton House Trilogy): Roberts’ second trilogy again focuses on three women with closely entwined lives. In Monterey, California three young girls grow up together. Laura Templeton, daughter of wealth hoteliers, her orphaned cousin, Kate Powell and Margo Sullivan, the housekeeper's daughter. Margo’s story is told in Daring to Dream (1996), Kate’s in Holding the Dream (1997) and Laura’s in Finding the Dream (1997).
  • The Chesapeake Bay Saga: Cameron, Ethan, and Phillip Quinn were all adopted after a troubled youth by college professor Ray Quinn and his wife, Dr. Stella Quinn. As adults they reunite after Ray’s death to take care of Ray’s latest lost boy, Seth De Lauter. Cameron’s story is revealed in Sea Swept (1998), Ethan’s in Rising Tides (1998) and Philip’s in Inner Harbor (1999). Although Chesapeake Bay was originally intended as a trilogy, in 2003 Roberts added an additional novel, Chesapeake Blue, that focuses on the adult Seth.
  • The Stars of Mithra Trilogy: Three friends, gemologist Bailey James, Grace, bar-owner M.J. O'Leary and model Grace Fontaine join forces to protect three blue diamonds known as the Stars of Mithra. Bailey’s adventures comprise Hidden Star (1997): M.J.’s, Captive Star (1997); and Grace’s, Secret Star (1998). The Star of Mithra trilogy is the only set – as opposed to a series – that Roberts wrote for Silhouette Romances.
  • The Gallaghers of Ardmore Trilogy (also called The Irish Trilogy): The Gallaghers of Ardmore trilogy blends a contemporary account of the three Gallagher siblings with an Irish fairy tale, that of the frustrated love between Carrick, prince of the faeries, his adored Lady Gwen. Jewels in the Sun (1999, focuses on Aidan Gallagher, who runs the family pub. Tears of the Moon (2000) tells of his brother Shawn, a talented musician, and Heart of the Sea (2000) concludes the trilogy with the story of Darcy, their sister.
  • Three Sisters Island Trilogy: Three women, who are all descendants of the three witches who created Three Sisters Island as a refuge from the Salem witch hunts, join together in another trilogy that blends natural and supernatural. Dance upon the Air (2001), finds abused wife Nell Channing seeking refuge on Three Sisters Island. In Heaven and Earth (2001) Sheriff’s deputy Ripley Todd becomes reluctantly convinced to use her psychic powers. Face the Fire (2002) concludes the series with the story of Mia Devlin, owner of the local bookstore and self-proclaimed witch.
  • Key Trilogy: The Key Trilogy also focuses on both human relationships and supernatural events. Mallory Price, who manages an art gallery; Dana Steele, a librarian, and Zoe McCourt, a hairstylist, meet at the mysterious Pennsylvanian mansion Warrior's Peak. There they join in a quest for the three keys to a box that hold the souls of three goddesses. Key of Light 2003), depicts Mallory’s quest; Key of Knowledge (2005), Dana’s; and Key of Valor (2004), Zoe’s.
  • In The Garden Trilogy: Paranormal and normal again combine in this tale of the three women involved in Roz Harper’s nursery business, In the Garden. Young widow Stella Rothchild is the subject of Blue Dahlia (2004), Roz Harper herself is featured in Black Rose (2005) and pregnant twenty-four-year-old, Hayley Phillips is the focus of Red Lily (2005). Also uniting all the stories is an unhappy Harper ghost.
  • Circle Trilogy: In this paranormal series, sorcerer Hoyt Mac Cionaoith forms a circle of six to defeat the wicked vampire, Lilith. He and red-haired witch Glenna unite in Morrigan's Cross (2006). Demon hunter Blair Murphy and Larkin, a shape-shifter, join them in Dance of the Gods (2006). Hoyt’s vampire brother, Cian, and Moira, queen of the kingdom of Geall, enter the fray in Valley of Silence (2006).
  • Sign of Seven Trilogy: As children, Caleb Hawkins, Fox O'Dell and Gage Turner accidentally free an entrapped demon when they share their blood in a bonding ritual, an act that has since caused the residents of the village of Hawkins Hollow to experience one week of madness every seven years. Twenty-one years later Caleb, Fox, and Gage again unite to save Hawkins Hollow. Caleb’s story is revealed in Blood Brothers (2007); Fox’s, in The Hollow (2008), and Gage’s, in The Pagan Stone (2008).
  • The Bride Quartet: A quartet rather than a trilogy, this set tells the stories of four childhood friends. Vision in White (2009) introduces the women involved. MacKensie, Emmaline, Laurel, and Parker own the wedding planning company Vows and live together on Parker’s family estate in Connecticut. Vision in White focuses on wedding photographer Mackensie "Mac" Elliot. Florist Emma Grant is featured in Bed of Roses (October 2009). Savor the Moment (May 2010) centers on caterer Laurel McBane, and Happy Ever After (2010) tells the story of Vow's business manager, Parker Brown.
  • The Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy: The Next Always (Nov. 2011) will be the first volume of this new Nora Roberts trilogy, to be followed by The Last Boyfriend (Book 2, May 2012) and The Perfect Hope (Book 3, Nov. 2012). The Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy features three brothers who own a construction business in Boonsboro, Maryland.

PostNapisane: 1 maja 2013, o 21:21
przez Lilia ❀
Roberts' Christmas short fiction

  • Roberts’ first work of short fiction was the novella, ”Home for Christmas,” for the 1986 Silhouette Christmas Stories anthology. In this work, reporter Jason Law returns to New Hampshire for a Christmas with his former love, Faith Kirkpatrick.
  • Roberts' novella, “In From the Cold,” was included in the Historical Christmas Stories 1990 anthology. In this addition to her The MacGregors series, Roberts tells the story of injured Minuteman Ian MacGregor, who receives help from Allanna Flynn during a Revolutionary War Christmas.
  • The novella, “All I Want for Christmas,” appeared in the 1994 Jingle Bells, Wedding Bells anthology. In this work, twins Zeke and Zach Taylor decide music teacher Nell Davis is the mother they want for Christmas.
  • Two of Roberts’ Christmas short stories were both originally Waldenbooks releases. The short story "Christmas at Ardmore" (2000) updated Roberts’ Irish Trilogy with the tale of the Christmas reunion of Gallaghers of Ardmore. "Christmas with the Quinns” (2000) was an addition to Roberts' Chesapeake Bay trilogy. The story describes 10-year-old Seth’s first Christmas with the Quinn brothers and their wives.

The Once Upon anthologies

From 1998 through 2003, Roberts joined with writers Marianne Willman, Ruth Ryan Langan and Jill Gregory in contributing novellas to the Once Upon anthology series. This fantasy anthology series appeared annually.
  • The first title in the series was Once Upon a Castle (1998). This work contained Roberts’ novella, “Spellbound,” in which photographer Calin Farrell meets the mysterious Bryna Torrence while on vacation in Ireland.
  • Once Upon a Star, the 1999 anthology, included Roberts’ novella, “Ever After.” “Ever After” reveals Conal O’Neil’s fight against fate when he becomes attracted to Alenna Kennedy, who wears a star pendant that signifies she is destined for him.
  • Once Upon a Dream, the 2000 anthology, contained Roberts’ “In Dreams” novella. “In Dreams” recounts how Flynn, a magician who can only emerge from a dream world for one week every century, meets Kayleen Brennan, the woman of his dreams.
  • The 2001 anthology, Once Upon a Rose, has Roberts’ “Winter Rose” novella. In this work, Queen Deirdre rescues Prince Kylar of Mrydon from near death on an island cursed with eternal winter.
  • For the 2002 Once Upon a Kiss anthology, Roberts submitted “A World Apart”. In this novella that blends past and present, Kadra, a medieval demon slayer, arrives in 21st century New York to seeks help from private investigator Harper Doyle in defeating her enemies.
  • Once Upon a Midnight, 2003’s final anthology, contained Roberts’ “The Witching Hour” novella. In “The Witching Hour,” Princess Aurora, who lives on the island Kingdom of Twylia, falls in love with the warrior Thane.

Other works of short fiction

Roberts has written only four additional works of short fiction.

  • In 2001 she collaborated with a group of writers to produce Naked Came the Phoenix. This mystery novel, for which the authors wrote sequential chapters, tells the story of the murder of Claudia de Vries, owner of the Phoenix Health Spa in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Roberts contributed the book’s second chapter.
  • Roberts’ remaining three novellas include “Impulse,” a 1989 work for the Silhouette Summer Sizzlers anthology. In “Impulse,” accountant Rebecca meets Stephen Nickodemus on a trip to Greece.
  • “The Best Mistake” (1994) appeared the Birds, Bees and Babies '94 anthology. In this work single mother Zoe Fleming is attracted to her new tenant, J. Cooper McKinnon.
  • Werewolf meets veterinarian in 2004's “Wolf Moon" from the Moon Shadows anthology. Simone, a woman who had been turned into a werewolf, gets help curing herself from Maine veterinarian, Gabe Kirby.

Nora Roberts' Silhouette standalone romances

  • Blithe Images (1982) – Model Hilary Baxter fears that Mode Magazine owner Bret Bardoff is only interested in her glamorous image.
  • The Heart's Victory (1982) – Cynthia Fox worries about was Lance Matthews’ involvement with auto racing.
  • Island of Flowers (1982) – Laine Simmons travels to Hawaii to see her father and becomes attracted to his partner, Dillon O'Brian.
  • Search For Love (1982) – American Serenity Smith falls for the aristocratic Frenchman, Christophe de Kergallen.
  • Song of the West (1982) – Samantha Evans meets rancher Jake Tanner when she travels to the West to be with her sister.
  • From This Day (1983) – Taylor Reynolds buys the inn B.J. Clark manages.
  • Her Mother’s Keeper (1983) – Gwen Lacrosse returns to her Louisiana home, where she meets author Luke Powers
  • Once More with Feeling (1983) – Singer Raven Williams agrees to work with musician Brandon Carstairs.
  • This Magic Moment (1983) – Ryan Swan hesitates to trust illusionist Pierce Atkins.
  • Tonight and Always (1983) – Anthropologist Kasey Wyatt assists Jordan Taylor with the research for his novel.
  • Untamed (1983) – Lion tamer Jovilette Wilder falls for her boss, circus owner Keane Prescott.
  • Endings and Beginnings (1984) – Washington anchorwoman Liv Carmichael is attracted to her rival, T.C. Thorpe.
  • First Impressions (1984) – Vance Banning meets his persistently helpful new neighbor, Shane Abbott.
  • The Law is a Lady (1984) – Phillip Kincaid gets jailed for speeding by Sheriff Victoria Ashton while scouting for locations for his new movie.
  • Less of a Stranger (1984) – Megan Miller realizes David Katcherton wants to take over her grandfather's business.
  • A Matter of Choice (1984) – Police officer James "Slade" Sladerman goes undercover as a bodyguard for wealthy Jessica Winslow.
  • Opposites Attract (1984) – Tennis superstars Asher Wolfe and Ty Starbuck reunite after a failed relationship.
  • Rules of the Game (1984) – Director Brooke Gordon films a commercial with baseball star Park Jones.
  • Storm Warning (1984) – Autumn Gallegher discovers a murder at her aunt's inn, and suspicion points to her former lover, Lucas McLean.
  • Sullivan’s Woman (1984) – Out-of-work Cassidy St. John accepts a job modeling for artist Colin Sullivan.
  • Boundary Lines (1985) – Family feuds disrupt the romance between ranchers Jillian Baron and Aaron Murdock
  • Dual Image (1985) – Ariel Kirkwood stars in a soap opera based on writer Booth DeWitt’s bitter marriage.
  • Night Moves (1985) – Famous songwriter Maggie Fitzgerald hires landscaper Cliff Delaney to work on her Maryland home, and he discover a body on her property.
  • Partners (1985) – Rival reporters Laurellie Armand and Matthew Bates investigate a mysterious death.
  • The Right Path (1985) – Morgan James meet the mysterious Nicholas Gregoras while on vacation in Greece.
  • The Art of Deception (1986) – Artist Adam Haines is attracted to Kirby Fairchild, daughter of the famous painter he'd been asked to investigate.
  • Risky Business (1986) – Liz Palmer, owner of Cozumel’s Black Coral Dive Shop, confronts Jonas Sharpe, brother of her murdered diver.
  • Treasures Lost, Treasures Found (1986) – Kate Hardesty tries to fulfill her father’s dream of finding sunken treasure with the help of diver Ky Silver.
  • A Will and a Way (1986) – Pandora McVie’s uncle leaves her a bequest that requires her to spend six month in the Catskills with co-beneficiary Michael Donahue.
  • Mind Over Matter (1987) – Theatrical agent Aurora Fields becomes involved with documentary producer David Brady.
  • Temptation (1987) – Impoverished socialite Eden Carlbough's new job running a girls' camp is complicated by the arrival of orchard owner Chase Elliot.
  • Local Hero (1988)– Hester Wallace's new neighbor, Mitch Dempsey, turns out to be the creator of nine-year old son’s favorite comic book hero.
  • Name of the Game (1988)– Game show producer Johanna Patterson is disturbed by actor Sam Weaver’s reputation.
  • The Welcoming (1989)– Roman DeWinter comes to Charity Ford‘s Seaside Inn to expose a criminal organization.
  • Gabriel's Angel (1989)– Pregnant widow Laura Malone finds herself snowbound at Gabriel Bradley’s isolated Colorado cabin.
  • Unfinished Business (1992)– Vanessa Sexton returns to Hyattown and finds her high school sweetheart, Brady Tucker, much changed.

Nora Roberts' Silhouette series

  • The Calhoun Women: Robert's Calhoun Women series features the four Calhoun sisters – Catherine, Amanda, Lilah and Suzanna – and their sister-in-law, Megan O'Riley, who find romance as they search for lost family emeralds. In Courting Catherine (1991) Catherine (C.C.) Calhoun hopes that hotel magnate Trenton St. James can help save the Towers, the Calhoun's dilapidated Maine estate. In A Man for Amanda (1991) practical Amanda Calhoun wonders why architect Sloan O'Riley is so interested the Calhoun family history. In For the Love of Lilah (1991) sensual Lilah Calhoun rescues college professor Maxwell Quartermain from drowning. In Suzanna's Surrender (1991) Suzanna Calhoun renews her romance with Hold Bradford. In Megan's Mate (1996) Sloan O'Riley's sister, Megan, is attracted to family friend Nathaniel Fury.
  • Celebrity Magazine: The Celebrity Magazine series features the staff of the fictional Celebrity Magazine. In Second Nature (1986) Celebrity Magazine reporter Lee Radcliffe wrangles an interview with horror novelist Hunter Brown. In One Summer (1986) celebrity photographer Bryan Mitchell and photojournalist Shade Colby work together on a summer assignment.
  • Cordina's Royal Family: In the Cordina's Royal Family series Princess Gabriella, Prince Alexander and Prince Bennett confront kidnappers, terrorists, and spies. In Affaire Royale (1986) Gabriella recovers from a kidnapping with the help of Reeve MacGee. In Command Performance (1987) theater director Eve Hamilton finds danger when she becomes involved with Alexander. In The Playboy Prince (1987) Bennett meets Lady Hannah Rothchild, a spy his father has hired to protect the family. In Cordina's Crown Jewel (2002) Gabriella and Reeve's daughter, Camilla, goes to work for archaeologist Delaney Caine.
  • The Donovan Legacy: The first three novels in The Donovan Legacy series tell the stories of three double cousins who have supernatural powers. In Captivated (1992) horror film writer Nash Kirkland meets witch Morgana Donovan. In Entranced (1992) private investigator Mel Sutherland needs psychic Sebastian Donovan's help to find a missing child. In Charmed (1992) fairy tale author Boone Sawyer moves next door to psychic healer Anastasia Donovan. The Donovan's cousin, shape shifter Liam Donovan, is the subject of a fourth volume, Enchanted (1999).
  • Great Chefs series: Chefs Summer Lyndon and Carlo Franconi are featured in the Great Chefs series. In Summer Desserts (1985) hotelier Blake Cocharan wants to hire free spirited dessert chef Summer Lyndon. In Lessons Learned (1986) Juliet Trent coordinates Italian chef Carlo Franconi's publicity tour.
  • Irish Hearts: The Irish Hearts series spins out from Roberts' first published novel, Irish Thoroughbred. In Irish Thoroughbred (1981) Irishwoman Adelia Cunnane takes a job as a groom on Travis Grant's Maryland horse farm. In Irish Rose (1988) Burke Logan hires Erin McKinnon, Adelia Cunnane's cousin, as his accountant. In Irish Rebel (2000) horse trainer Brian Donnelly is attracted to Travis and Adelia's daughter, Keeley.
  • Loving Jack: The Loving Jack series centers around writer Jackie MacNamara, architect Nathan Powell, and Powell's partner, Cody Johnson. In Loving Jack (1989) writer Jackie MacNamara finds Nathan Powell to be her ideal romance hero. In Best Laid Plans (1989) structural engineer Abra Wilson has problems with Cody Johnson's designs. In Lawless (1989), the western novel Jackie is writing in Loving Jack, gunslinger Jake Redman falls for Easterner Sarah Conway.
  • The MacGregors: Roberts' extremely popular series, The MacGregors, showcases the efforts of patriarch Daniel MacGregor to see that all the members of his large family find good mates. The extensive 11-volume series is detailed in its own fact sheet. The titles include Playing the Odds (1985), Tempting Fate (1985), All the Possibilities (1985), One Man's Art (1985), For Now, Forever (1987), Rebellion (1988), In From the Cold (1990), The MacGregor Brides (1997), The Winning Hand (1998), The MacGregor Grooms (1998) and The Perfect Neighbor (1999).
  • The MacKade Brothers: In The MacKade Brothers series, as in her Chesapeake Bay Saga, Roberts' focus is on her male characters. The set delves into the relationships of the four MacKade brothers. In The Return of Rafe MacKade (1995) handsome Rafe MacKade falls for newly arrived Regan Bishop. In The Pride of Jared MacKade (1995) Jared MacKade has problems with Savannah Morningstar. In The Heart of Devin MacKade (1996) Sheriff Devin MacKade realizes that Cassie Connor Dolin, whom he has loved for many years, is now free from a disastrous marriage. In The Fall of Shane MacKade (1996) Shane MacKade is attracted to Dr. Rebecca Knight.
  • Night Tales: The romantic suspense series, Night Tales, features relatives of Cilla O'Roarke and Boyd Fletcher, central characters in the first volume, Night Shift. In Night Shift (1991) radio announcer Cilla O'Roarke gets help from police officer Boyd Fletcher. In Night Shadow (1991) prosecutor Deborah O'Roarke, Cilla's sister, discovers that millionaire Gage Guthrie is the mysterious avenger called Nemesis. In Nightshade (1993) Boyd Fletcher's partner, Lieutenant Althea Grayson, works with private investigator Colt Nightshade to find a missing girl. In Night Smoke (1994) arson investigator Ryan Piasecki helps Boyd Fletcher's sister, Natalie, when her company's warehouse burns down. In Night Shield (2000) ex-con Jonah Blackhawk sets out to catch a thief with assistance of Boyd Fletcher's daughter, Allison, a police officer.
  • The O'Hurleys: The O'Hurleys series explores the lives of of triplets Abigail, Maddy and Chantel and their brother Trace. In The Last Honest Woman (1988) writer Dylan Crosby thinks Abigail O'Hurley Rockwell is hiding secrets about her late husband. In Dance to the Piper (1988) record producer Reed Valentine becomes involved with Maddy O'Hurley. In Skin Deep (1988) Chantel O'Hurley needs private investigator Quinn Doran's help with a stalker. In Without a Trace (1990) Trace O'Hurley responds to Gillian Fitzpatrick 's plea for help in finding her kidnapped brother.
  • Reflections and Dreams: Lindsay Dunne, Seth Bannion and Ruth Bannion play central roles in the Reflections and Dreams series. In Reflections (1983) ballerina Lindsay Dunne meets architect Seth Bannion and his niece, 17-year-old Ruth, an aspiring dancer. In Dance of Dreams (1983) Ruth Bannion, now 22, becomes involved with the famous dancer, Nick Davidov.
  • The Stanislaskis: The Stanislaskis series, also called Those Wild Ukranians, tells the story of a Ukrainian immigrant family. In Taming Natasha (1990) former ballerina Natasha runs at toy store in West Virginia where she meets Spence Kimball and his daughter Frederica. In Luring a Lady (1991) wealthy Sydney Hayward finds Mikhail Stanislaski complicating her efforts at running her family corporation. In Falling for Rachel (1993) defense attorney Rachel Stanislaski takes the case of Zach Muldoon's brother, young Nick LeBeck. In Convincing Alex (1994) soap opera writer Bess McNee wants police detective Alex Stanislaski to provide her with ideas for her show. In Waiting for Nick (1997) Spence Kimball's daughter, Frederica, tries to convince Nick LeBeck that she has grown up. In Considering Kate (2001) Natasha Stanislaski's daughter, Kate, starts a ballet school and hires Brody O'Connell to renovate the building.
  • Time and Again: The Time and Again series, also called The Hornblower Brothers series, centers on the concept of time traveling as two brothers from the 23rd century journey to earth. In Time Was (1989 ) anthropologist Liberty Stone falls for time traveler Caleb Hornblower, In Times Change (1990) Liberty's sister, Sunny Stone, meets Caleb's brother, Jacob, when he travels back in time to rescue his brother.

PostNapisane: 3 maja 2013, o 20:40
przez Duzzz
Kasiag napisał(a):Ja też się już nie mogę doczekać :D

I ja :cheer:

Lilio :padam: Fajnie, że dołączyłaś taki spis :padam: :padam: :padam: (Chciałam dać plusiki, ale nie mogę, niestety :cry: )

PostNapisane: 3 maja 2013, o 23:04
przez Księżycowa Kawa
Ten spis robi wrażenie.

PostNapisane: 3 maja 2013, o 23:10
przez Lilia ❀
Jest aktualny.

PostNapisane: 4 maja 2013, o 10:43
przez •Sol•
spis rewelacja. Aż mnie znów korci sięgnięcie po Norkę :P

PostNapisane: 8 maja 2013, o 21:36
przez Księżycowa Kawa
Sięgnęłam po "Teraz i na zawsze" i stwierdzam, że jest to naprawdę urokliwa i klimatyczna opowieść. Ciekawie opisane małomiasteczkowe życie i właśnie do mnie dotarło, że im tam wszystko tak dobrze się układa, że nie ma ani słowa o kryzysie finansowym – okazuje się, że wystarczy mieć pomysł i brać się za jego realizację, a wszystko będzie dobrze. W zasadzie niewiele tam się dzieje – głównie kwestie związane z remontem, ale to zastało tak zgrabnie przedstawione. W ogóle ten cały remont tak ładnie wpisuje się w akcję, że wyjątkowo dobrze to się czyta. Podoba mi się też to, jak pierwsze małżeństwo Clare zostało zaprezentowane, nieczęsto to się zdarza. Po prostu świetnie wyszło.

PostNapisane: 8 maja 2013, o 22:23
przez Lilia ❀
Wiesz, że to na faktach? Nora remontowała hotel w Boonsboro, syn prowadzi pizzerię, jest też siłownia, a księgarnia należy do męża Nory, gdzie są spotkania autorskie.

PostNapisane: 9 maja 2013, o 15:03
przez •Sol•
Dziewczyny, widziałyście już gdzieś Jedyną i wspaniałą? Empik nie ma, gdański Koliber też, czyżby omsknięcie?

PostNapisane: 9 maja 2013, o 15:07
przez Lilia ❀
w księgarni Prószyńskiego dostępna, na Allegro widziałam.
czekam z zakupem na koniec maja, gdy wyjdzie Kleypas. zakupię taniej, za jedną przesyłką u Prószyńskiego.

PostNapisane: 9 maja 2013, o 15:10
przez •Sol•
na allegro też widziałam, ale nie patrzyłam czy mają w przedsprzedaży czy już posiadają książki w magazynie, dlatego pytam czy może ktoś widział już fizyczną książkę ;)
Najbardziej uśmiechałby mi się Koliber i z Roberts i z Kleypas, tam nie muszę za przesyłkę płacić, a cenowo też wychodzi fajnie bo średnio dycha mniej niż okładkowa cena.

PostNapisane: 9 maja 2013, o 21:32
przez Księżycowa Kawa
Lilia napisał(a):Wiesz, że to na faktach? Nora remontowała hotel w Boonsboro, syn prowadzi pizzerię, jest też siłownia, a księgarnia należy do męża Nory, gdzie są spotkania autorskie.

Czytałam na ten temat wcześniejszych postach i zdaje się, że gdzieś narzekano, że Roberts zrobiła zbyt nachalną reklamę - osobiście z tym się nie zgadzam, powiedziałabym, że nawet fajnie i zgrabnie to wyszło. I gdyby było mnie stać, chętnie zobaczyłabym to na własne oczy.

wiedzmaSol napisał(a):Dziewczyny, widziałyście już gdzieś Jedyną i wspaniałą? Empik nie ma, gdański Koliber też, czyżby omsknięcie?

Fizycznie nie, ale matras twierdzi, że u nich powinna być już dzisiaj, zaś Weltbild, że od trzynastego albo nawet nie podaje się daty i tylko jest informacja, że wkrótce...

PostNapisane: 9 maja 2013, o 22:20
przez Lilia ❀