Strona 9 z 9

PostNapisane: 10 kwietnia 2018, o 21:11
przez Księżycowa Kawa
No cóż, niektórzy przesadzają, oczekując po tym podręcznika, poradnika czy też coś w tym stylu. A to historia napisana ku rozrywce czytelnika.
Po prostu Ella nie jest idealna, tylko normalna.

PostNapisane: 11 kwietnia 2018, o 08:26
przez Ancymonek
Oj tak, Ella jest normalna.

Ja to czytałam z przymrużeniem oka, ale jakby mnie coś mocno wkurzyło, to bym taka łaskawa w ocenie nie była, ale naprawdę było w porządku ;)

PostNapisane: 11 kwietnia 2018, o 19:21
przez Księżycowa Kawa
Dobrze mi się to czytało, płynnie, było w tej historii coś wciągającego :smile: Frederick dobrze mi się czyta :mrgreen:

PostNapisane: 2 listopada 2018, o 12:03
przez Księżycowa Kawa
Zabrałam się za „Papierową księżniczkę” Erin Watt i tak cały ten Callum Royal wydaje się mi coraz bardziej beznadziejny :roll:

PostNapisane: 18 stycznia 2019, o 18:27
przez Księżycowa Kawa

My brain exploded at the supermarket. One minute I was arguing with my three-month-old about how many grapes she could stick in her tiny mouth and the next minute I was staring at the face of the father of my child.

The guy ghosted me after I told him I was pregnant. I sent him texts, called him and even posted a certified letter but received zero response. While he was down for the baby-making activities, he had zero desire to accept the consequences.

So I did what any other like-minded woman would’ve done in my position. I reached into my cart and started hurling things at him.

To my surprise, he not only paid for the damage but followed me home. Now, he’s telling me he never got my messages or my letter and that he’s ready to be a father.

He’s patching drywall, doing the laundry, and carrying the trash to the curb, and I’m remembering what it was like when he was loving me every night. A few heated stares and a few brushes of his hand against mine and my long-dormant female parts are roaring to life. Everyone’s going to think I’m a few French fries short of a Happy Meal if I let him back into my life, but my heart can’t keep asking what if…


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Jakoś nie mogę połapać, o co chodzi z tymi stronami :mysli:

Expected publication: March 27, 2019

PostNapisane: 18 stycznia 2019, o 22:43
przez aleqsia
Ładna okładka. W opisie brak imion bohaterów i nie wiadomo że to jakaś kontynuacja czy całkiem nowy cykl. Czekam na historię Kagi ^_^

PostNapisane: 19 stycznia 2019, o 00:25
przez Księżycowa Kawa
Również czekam. Z tego, co zrozumiałam, to coś pojedynczego. Gdybym tylko mogła dorwać audiobooka...

PostNapisane: 20 sierpnia 2020, o 19:48
przez Księżycowa Kawa

From USA Today bestselling author Jen Frederick comes a heart-wrenching yet hopeful romance that shows that the price of belonging is often steeper than expected.

As a Korean adoptee, Hara Wilson doesn’t need anyone telling her she looks different from her white parents. She knows. Every time Hara looks in the mirror, she’s reminded that she doesn’t look like anyone else in her family—not her loving mother, Ellen; not her jerk of a father, Pat; and certainly not like Pat’s new wife and new “real” son.

At the age of twenty-five, she thought she had come to terms with it all, but when her father suddenly dies, an offhand comment at his funeral triggers an identity crisis that has her running off to Seoul in search of her roots.

What Hara finds there has all the makings of a classic K-drama: a tall, mysterious stranger who greets her at the airport, spontaneous adventures across the city, and a mess of familial ties, along with a red string of destiny that winds its way around her heart and soul. Hara goes to Korea looking for answers, but what she gets instead is love—a forbidden love that will either welcome Hara home…or destroy her chance of finding one.

Expected publication: May 11th 2021 by Berkley Books

PostNapisane: 27 października 2021, o 23:51
przez Księżycowa Kawa
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